Reading and plotting of PSC particle data

This notebook demonstrates reading of PSC particle data and some simple analysis that can be done using Python / pandas / matplotlib.

First usual set up, import modules, etc

%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import viscid
from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt
import h5py
import pandas as pd
viscid.calculator.evaluator.enabled = True

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
project_dir = "/Users/kai/src/pppl-project/flatfoil/harris_700"

Make 2-d plot first of density moment first

f = viscid.load_file(project_dir + "/pfd.xdmf", force_reload=True)
vlt.plot(f["rho_nc_e"], cmap="inferno");


This class really should be provided by PSC in a module (or as part of viscid). It also still needs work, in particular:

  • Support specifying regions by actual coordinates, rather than grid points
  • Handle the case where only a subset of particles were written
class ParticleReader(object):
    def __init__(self, filename):
        file = h5py.File(filename, "r")
        self._particles = file["particles/p0/1d"]
        self._idx_begin = file["particles/p0/idx_begin"]
        self._idx_end = file["particles/p0/idx_end"]
        self.selection_lo = file["particles"].attrs["lo"]
        self.selection_hi = file["particles"].attrs["hi"]
        self.gdims = np.array(self._idx_begin.shape[3:0:-1])
        self.n_kinds = self._idx_begin.shape[0]

    def __xinit__(self, particles, idx_begin, idx_end, selection_lo, selection_hi):
        self._particles = particles
        self._idx_begin = idx_begin
        self._idx_end = idx_end
        self.selection_lo = selection_lo
        self.selection_hi = selection_hi
        self.gdims = np.array(idx_begin.shape[3:0:-1])
        self.n_kinds = idx_begin.shape[0]

    def size(self):
        return self.particles.shape[0]

    def inCell(self, kind, idx):
        loc = (kind, idx[2] - selection_lo[2], idx[1] - selection_lo[1], idx[0] - selection_lo[0])
        return slice(self._idx_begin[loc], self._idx_end[loc])

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        if isinstance(idx, slice) or isinstance(idx, int):
            return self._particles[idx]
        elif isinstance(idx, tuple):
            return self._particleSelection(idx)
            raise "don't know how to handle this index"

    def _particleSelection(self, idx):
        indices = self._indices(idx)
        n = np.sum(indices[:,1] - indices[:,0])
        prts = np.zeros(n, dtype=self._particles[0].dtype)
        cnt = 0
        for r in indices:
            l = int(r[1] - r[0])
            prts[cnt:cnt+l] = self._particles[r[0]:r[1]]
            cnt += l
        return pd.DataFrame(prts)

    def _indices(self, idx_):
        # reorder index
        idx = (idx_[0], idx_[3], idx_[2], idx_[1])
        begin = self._idx_begin[idx].flatten()
        end = self._idx_end[idx].flatten()
        indices = [sl for sl in zip(begin, end)]
        indices = np.sort(indices, axis=0)
        # this index range could be merged where contiguous, or maybe even where
        # not contiguous but close
        return indices

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("ParticleReader(n={} gdims={} n_kinds={} selection=({}, {})"
                .format(self.size(), self.gdims, self.n_kinds, self.selection_lo, self.selection_hi))

Read particles

In this particular case, read all species (:), and in cells 128 <= i < 130, j = 0, k = 32, which is the center of the domain.

Particles are returned as a pandas data frame, so they can be displayed easily as a table, selections can be made, and simple plotting is provided, too.

p = ParticleReader(project_dir + "/prt.000000_p000000.h5")
df = p[:, 128:130, 0, 32]
x y z px py pz q m w
0 100.209442 1.414471 0.547419 -0.191176 -0.046516 0.165849 -1.0 1.0 0.00025
1 100.135612 -1.425988 0.714132 0.094603 -0.079601 -0.259543 -1.0 1.0 0.00025
2 100.383514 -1.144820 0.228649 -0.101998 -0.148720 0.001895 -1.0 1.0 0.00025
3 100.745880 2.161036 0.686588 0.096610 -0.129796 -0.142294 -1.0 1.0 0.00025
4 100.340401 -1.642766 0.198549 0.118109 0.129963 0.145169 -1.0 1.0 0.00025


A simple example of making a selection: electrons are those particles with negative charge.

electrons = df[df.q < 0]
electrons.plot.scatter('x', 'z');

A bit more complex if contrived, example: Plot electrons moving quickly right (red) and quickly left (blue).

electrons[electrons.px < -.1].plot.scatter('x', 'z', color='b', ax=plt.gca())
electrons[electrons.px > .1].plot.scatter('x', 'z', color='r', ax=plt.gca());

Plot a distribution function

Pandas takes care of the binning, so that’s simple, too.

kwargs = {"gridsize": 100, "extent": (-1.2, 1.2, -1.2, 1.2), "cmap": 'jet'}
electrons.plot.hexbin(x='px', y='pz', bins="log", **kwargs);